Standardized Programs
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Our standardized packaged programs are designed to provide clients with a specific set of capabilities or skill sets. These programs are specifically developed to address the key elements and issues relevant to the objective. SBS Training Solutions has taken a great deal of time and exhausted a significant amount of resources to carefully dissect each subject area to identify the most critical aspects and develop methods to address each. Clients who utilizes these courses can be assured that upon completion they will have a better understanding of the subject material and skill sets to apply towards mitigating the threats or even eliminating them altogether.

Many other programs are available upon request.



Personal Threat Awareness and Mitigation

This course provides the student with an understanding of how attacks and abductions are executed and specific steps and actions to be taken to disrupt the attack cycle and avoid becoming a victim of such an action. The course includes, but is not limited to, instruction on pre-event planning, counter surveillance, defeating restraints, escape planning. 3 days 12 Min 27 Max Onsite or offsite (depending on client's desires and available resources) TBD


Active Shooter Situation Avoidance and Response

This course provides the student and the client with training on how to deal with an active shooter scenario in which company employees are directly or indirectly targeted. This course will directly assist the company in developing executable plans that all employees can use. 2 days NA Onsite TBD


Physical Security Awareness

This course trains employees on various physical security issues ranging from very basic personal security efforts to companywide institutional security efforts. This course will assist companies in developing a comprehensive physical security plan the will reduce loss and increase overall security. 1 day 10 Min 50 Max Onsite TBD


Employee Cyber Awareness

This course provides employees with an understanding of personal cyber vulnerability and how to deal with this threat. The course addresses cyber vulnerability in all personal devices and methods to reduce the threat to the individual and the overall company. This course will assist companies in developing and/or strengthening their IT security procedures and protocols. 1 day 10 Min 50 Max Onsite As little as $500 per student, depending on resources


International Business Preparedness

This course addresses the conduct of international businesses at the individual and company levels. It provides instruction on vetting of foreign agents, development of international business practices and procedures, understanding the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), Understanding the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (if applicable), International travel and international business legalities (overview). This course will directly assist companies contemplating international business and companies struggling with international business. 2 days 6 Min 24 Max Onsite As little as $1,200 per student
Other programs are available upon request.
* Exclusive of Instructor(s) travel/hotel costs.

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