International Business Preparedness (IBP)

Whether you are already conducting international business or considering conducting international business, having the required knowledge and being prepared is imperative.  Conducting international business requires adhering to U.S. and Foreign Local Laws, vetting international business partners, and the proper import / export of goods, services, and information (technical data). Affordability, feasibility, and marketing are major factors that need to be considered along with communication and risk mitigation.


Vetting business partners and third parties (brokers / agents) can reduce exposure and liability. Having a trusted broker / agent that operates lawfully does not always equal success.


An international business partner should:

  • Assist your company in adapting to the local way of conducting business
  • Help your company become part of the region verses being an invader
  • Develop rapport and relationships that expand your company into new territories


Conducting international business can seem overwhelming, having the proper training can turn a monumental undertaking into a step-by-step process of success.  Government fines of what seem to be minor infractions can destroy and bankrupt a company. SBS shows you how to keep your company and employees safe and minimize risk.


International Business Preparedness Training

This course addresses the conduct of international businesses at the individual and company levels. It provides instruction on vetting of foreign agents, development of international business practices and procedures, understanding the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), Understanding the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (if applicable), International travel and international business legalities (overview). This course will directly assist companies contemplating international business and companies struggling with international business.


The professional SBS Staff of Instructors have over 75 years of international business and operational experience. As trusted advisors, we have established and maintained international business relationships with C level corporate personnel, high ranking military and government officials, and brokers / agents around the world.

To learn more about International Business Preparedness and the SBS Customized Training programs, please contact us.

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