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Urban Survival Training,SBS Training Solutions

The threats our families and communities face today can be terrifying. Economic collapse, natural disasters, terrorist attacks, power-grid failure, and nuclear war are all possibilities that we must be prepared for.

The term Urban Survival means having the skills, tactics, and ability to survive a widespread prolonged disaster. This means surviving without aid from the government or the local infrastructure while remaining in a densely populated urban environment.


Whether you are already conducting international business or considering conducting international business, having the required knowledge and being prepared is imperative.  Conducting international business requires adhering to U.S. and Foreign Local Laws, vetting international business partners, and the proper import / export of goods, services, and information (technical data). Affordability, feasibility, and marketing are major factors that need to be considered along with communication and risk mitigation.

Cybersecurity and Employee Cyber Awareness Training

Cybersecurity and Employee Cyber Awareness


Cybersecurity refers to the practices, processes, and technologies designed to protect networks, devices, programs, and data from attack, damage, or unauthorized access. Cybersecurity may also be referred to as information technology security.


Unfortunately, one of the biggest sources of a data breach is not some unknown or forgotten security bug; it’s human error. According to recent studies, human error accounts for over 50% of the root causes of cybersecurity breaches.


SBS specializes in Physical Security Awareness and Safety Training

It seems like an everyday occurrence on the evening news; reports of random violence on individuals or families, home invasions, attacks on fellow employees, and workplace shootings.

Within the realm of business, theft, physical attacks and workplace violence have a significant impact on a company’s ability to provide a safe environment. This can require several layers of security and employee awareness to protect personnel, property, and data.

Global kidnappings and abductions number in the tens of thousands and are increasing every year. According to the Bureau of Consular Affairs at the U.S. State Department, between 60% to 70% of overseas kidnappings of U.S. citizens goes unreported.

Yet many experts from government and private sectors tell us it is quickly becoming a worldwide problem with numbers of unreported kidnappings reaching as high as 90%. When travelling or living in a high threat area, preventing threats can seem like a daunting task.

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