Corporate Training - Protecting Your Employees


Enhance Operational Efficiency and Reduce Liability

Corporate training can enhance operational efficiency while reducing liability and lowering attrition rates; this benefits the company and its employees. Most companies protect their employees from sexual harassment and discrimination; but what steps are taken to protect employees from active shooters, abductions/kidnapping, and life threatening injuries?

Employees are a company’s most value assets and with violent crimes reaching all time highs, many companies are providing training that enhances security of their employees both at work and at home. Providing training that gives employees the skills and knowledge to mitigate risk and increase survival is a positive, sincere way to demonstrate employee value. This type of training increases retention as employees are more like to stay with a company that cares about them as people and cares about their well being.

Grateful Employees Thank Senior Management

At a recent graduation of an Abduction Management course taught by SBS Training Solutions, I witnessed a rare heartfelt thank you from the employees. The class was comprised of employees who work in a high risk area and designated a classmate to speak on their behalf. Although she thanked the Instructors, her focus was to thank their company’s Senior Vice President of Security who had arranged the training. The entire class was extremely grateful that their company and senior management care enough about the employees as people to provide this type of training. Training that could save their lives on and off work; training the employees incorporate into their daily lives and the lives of their families.

Employee Security Culture

Employees are often disengaged regarding the actual execution of company security. Although they might follow all security policies and procedures, a security mindset and awareness is often lacking. The training that SBS Training Solutions provides engages employees in both company security and their own individual security. SBS’s training provides employees with demonstrated skills and knowledge that increases their security awareness, their ability to identify threats and prevent incidents, and their ability to survive adverse situations.
For more information, please visit our Custom Training Programs and our Standardized Programs. Or contact us and we will be happy to review your training needs.

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